It is the policy of Allen Orthopedic Labs, Inc. to recognize that individuals seeking services have the same rights as other individuals in our society. Among these rights are:

  1. The right to secure appropriate prosthetic and orthotic services regardless of race, religion, color,
    ethnicity, sex, age, handicap, marital status or sexual preference.
  2. The right to a humane service environment which affords appropriate privacy.
  3. The right to inspect, or receive for a reasonable fee, a copy of his or her medical record upon request.
    A third party shall not be given a copy of the patient’s medical record without prior authorization of
    the patient.
  4. The right to confidential treatment of personal and medical records, and the right to refuse their release
    to a person outside the facility except as required because of a transfer to another prosthetic or orthotic
    provider or as required by law or third party payment contract.
  5. The right to receive adequate and appropriate services, in a safe and clean environment, and to receive,
    from the appropriate individual within the facility, information about his or her prosthetic and orthotic
    care, in terms the patient can understand.
  6. The right to participate fully in all decisions concerning their health, well being and rehabilitation.
  7. The right to refuse services to the extent provided by law and to be informed of the consequences of
    that refusal. When a refusal of services prevents the facility or its staff from providing appropriate care
    according to ethical and professional standards, the relationship with the patient may be terminated
    upon reasonable notice.
  8. The right to exercise his or her rights as a patient and as a citizen, and to this end present grievances or
    recommend changes in policies and services on behalf of himself or herself or others to the facility staff,
    to government officials or to another person of his or her choice within or outside the facility, free from
    restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal. A patient is entitled to information about
    the facility’s policies and procedures regarding the initiation, review and resolution of patient
  9. Examine and receive a full explanation of the facility bill regardless of the source of payment. Every
    patient is informed of the mechanism within the facility to resolve billing questions or problems.
  10. Be informed of facility rules and regulations applicable to a patient’s conduct. Every patient is informed of
    the mechanisms within the facility available to resolve problems or conflicts.