- Service Provider John Allen CPO
- Skills American Board-Certified practitioner in both orthotics and prosthetics
- Category Orthotics Services
Common fractures for which we see patients include wrist, arm, patella, humerus, clavicle, leg, ankle and foot, and vertebrae stress fractures.
Each orthosis is fitted following the doctor’s prescription and modified or custom fabricated for the specific needs of the patient.
Fracture bracing is an active treatment used after the resolution of acute symptoms. The objective of fracture orthotics is to allow for early graded function and the capability of adjusting to volume changes for the injured extremity.
The brace is usually lightweight, durable, easy to apply, and adjustable but may require consistent monitoring from the physician and orthotist.
Many types of upper and lower extremity bone fractures can be effectively treated with an exterior fracture brace. Off-the-shelf solutions from manufacturers include:
Fracture bracing is an active treatment used after the resolution of acute symptoms. The objective of fracture orthotics is to allow for early graded function and the capability of adjusting to volume changes on the injured extremity.
The brace is usually lightweight, durable, easy to apply, and adjustable but requires consistent monitoring by the physician or orthotist.
Dynamic and static progressive orthoses (Contracture Bracing) are custom-made braces used to treat a shortening of muscle, tendon, or scar tissue, which can produce a deformity or distortion. These products can be made for the wrist, elbow, knee, and ankle.
At Allen Orthopedic Labs, we specialize in Ultraflex contracture bracing solutions that are off-the-shelf and customized for a wide variety of deformities and muscle distortions.